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Log time:2017-03-18
  • Name:Chen|||XianSheng
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:53
  • Height:169cm
  • marriage: --
  • Sex: male
  • place:yiwu
  • Residency:yiwu
  • health:good
  • degree:High School
  • experience:10 years Above
  • Updated:2016-08-26
  • Language1:English General
  • Language2:English General
Job intention
Job experience
1. March 1996 to January 1998, as a small factory in proofing machine repair work; 2.1998 March to January 2008, at Jiao Qiao Hosiery Co., Ltd. as proofing machine repair work; workshop Rhone Emperor and Nagata machine 100; 3. To April 2008 to April 2010, the workshop served as a Langsha stockings competent proofing work part-time; workshop Rhone Dili 4 and 5 prefix prefix machine 260; May 2010 to May 2011, workshop supervisor as a part-time job in proofing Langsha stockings four; workshop Rhone Dili, 6 head machine 250; 4. The June 2011 to June 2016, in Shuao Jian Wachang as proofing machine repair work; workshop Rhone Emperor and Nagata machine 64; 5. In the stockings industry has done for 21 years;
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